Professional and Strong Legal Representation
Bankruptcy is never an easy thing to face. Countless phone calls from collectors and a pile of unpaid bills can really put a strain on a person. Thankfully, the Orland bankruptcy attorneys at The Law Office of Nikki Farris are here to help you secure your financial future. As a family run firm, we pride ourselves on excellence and consistently strive to provide quality legal representation for our clients. This small firm quality allows us to give the unique attention that our clients deserve, leading to better solutions and successful outcomes.
Numerous factors have led to our continued success, including:
- Free initial case evaluations
- Several years of legal experience
- A compassionate approach to each case
- National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) membership
Bankruptcy can be stressful, but you don’t have to face it alone. Contact our firm today!
Compassionate & Personalized Bankruptcy Counsel
Having handled hundreds of cases, our team knows that bankruptcy can be a daunting concept. We aim to help make this process easier for you by providing a friendly and understanding approach to your case. Everyone has different circumstances regarding their bankruptcy, and we recognize that. Our firm refuses to push “cookie cutter” solutions that many other bankruptcy firms rely heavily on, choosing instead to closely examine each client’s case and the circumstances they face.
The Law Office of Nikki Farris can help you with:
- Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy
- Debt negotiation
- Collections defense
- Creditor harassment
- Credit restoration
- Foreclosure defense
- Loan modification
Put The Law Office of Nikki Farris on Your Side – Call Today
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, we strongly suggest that you obtain professional legal counsel in order to secure your future. The Law Office of Nikki Farris is proud to serve the Orland area and we stand ready to help you with your financial struggles. With our firm on your side, you can greet the future with confidence because you know that we have your best interests at heart. Financial difficulties shouldn’t hold you back and when you retain our bankruptcy attorneys, they don’t have to.
Now is the time to handle your debt. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation!